A film about a pandemic ravaging the modern world, inspired by the SARS epidemic in 2002-2003. Astonishingly realistic, it follows the virus as it makes its way around that world in an eerily similar way to the coronavirus...
Available since January 22nd, the 6-episode series gives a voice to doctors and healthcare professionals in the fight against viruses. Very informative, but also terribly scary in the middle of the coronavirus epidemic!
The undead attack London! These victims of a rabies-like virus can run fast, very fast... 28 days after the infection, the protagonist wanders into a post-apocalyptic world. Terribly frightening.
A virus, which triggers a haemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola, appears in the Congo following a monkey bite, and then infects the United States. A (very) effective blockbuster!
A classic of the genre! A deadly virus spreads and turns people into zombies who can run fast (Danny Boyle had already done this...). Fortunately, Brad Pitt is motivated to save the world.
AMC's series (10 seasons) takes us into a post-virus world. Once the first season is over, the question of contamination and healing no longer arises. Only one priority for the characters: survival!
A mysterious pandemic is causing people to commit suicide. What if a virus is nature's best way to get rid of humanity?
In 2035, 1% of the world's population survived a terrible pandemic. This was an opportunity for Bruce Willis to travel back in time to contain the pandemic before it ever occurred.
The parallels between this series out of Quebec and the current coronavirus epidemic are striking.
A mysterious virus is infecting the people of Seoul and making them thirsty by infecting their intestines. The victims then throw themselves into rivers... Disturbing!
This Danish series takes you into a world decimated by a virus spread by the rain. Very engaging!
A series produced by National Geographic that goes back to the sources of the Ebola virus, based on a true story. Very well done!
It's all in the title! An apocalyptic blockbuster that shows how fragile humanity is in the face of a simple virus... Comforting, isn't it?
By the director of the classic 'Battle Royale' film, the movie 'Virus' follows the spread of a virus destroying the world, until only the last remnants of humanity survive. A classic in the genre.
A terrible virus has wiped out mankind, so Will Smith walks around New York alone... The end of the world can also be a good thing!