We all love seeing some good knockout action. A fighters capability to layout their opponent with a single blow portrays a level of power and savagery that leaves us all in awe.
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It is not uncommon to see knock-outs during training and sparring sessions, however, most fighters and trainers believe that what happens in sparring, stays in sparring.
This was not the case for Sergey Kuzmin. After he knocked out his sparring partner with a devastating right cross, he watches as his opponent buckles and hits the ground. He then turns his back and walks away in an almost arrogant manner.
He then posted the scene on social media as if to be proud of his ‘accomplishment’. We’re not saying a fighter shouldn’t be proud of their capability to overpower their opponent. However, this occurred during a sparring session where the conditions of the fight are sometimes a little different, and knockouts are not the prime objective of the training let alone something to boast about.
🇷🇺 Russian heavyweight Sergey Kuzmin posted this video of himself knocking a sparring partner out cold today…
— Michael Benson (@MichaelBensonn) January 4, 2020
[🎥 Sergey Kuzmin] pic.twitter.com/T5osJ9mcwu
Needless to say his decision to post this was met with some harsh criticism with twitter users leaving such comments as:
Sparring stays in the gym... this is WEAK @Lenny38503784
Imagine sparking your sparring partner out cold and not going to check if he was OK. @PhobzLittleCity
Shows a massive lack of class from him @ryan_1882
These are just a few the many harsh comments that Kuzmin received, and needless to say, most agree they are deserved.
Its XXXXXX up for him to post this... what happens in the gym is supposed to stay in the gym!!!!!
— ICEMANJohnScully (@IceJohnScully) January 4, 2020