Walmart recently pulled a sweater they were selling that featured our beloved Kris Kringle getting ready for the holiday season by uhh… preparing to rail some lines of ‘snow’.
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Yall. Look at this description for this Christmas sweater from Walmart
— Jason John (@HurrbaSousJohn) December 7, 2019
Walmart Canada has since apologized for any offence that may have been taken from the sweatshirt or its description on their website that stated:
“We all know how snow works. It's white, powdery and the best snow comes straight from South America. That's bad news for jolly old St. Nick, who lives far away in the North Pole,” ...That's why Santa really likes to take savour the moment when he gets his hands on some quality, grade A, Colombian snow. He packs it in perfect lines on his coffee table and then takes a big whiff to smell the high-quality aroma of the snow.”
Real nice…
The sweater was made by a company called FUN Wear however it has also been discontinued on their online store as well.
Walmart also released a statement sent to VICE that shared their feelings about the company that sells products on Walmart’s online store: “These sweaters, sold by a third-party seller on, do not represent Walmart’s values and have no place on our website,”.
Whatever your views on the situation, it is definitely not the only ‘off-brand’ sweater out there, and we’re sure you could still find something similar if you so desire.