Should you shower in the morning or the evening?

Let’s settle this debate once and for all, when is the ideal time to take your shower—the morning or the evening?

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There are always two kinds of people in the world: the ones who shower first thing in the morning and those who do right before going to bed. And since the beginning of time itself, these two clans have been arguing over who is right—but is there even a 'right' answer?

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In reality, there’s no such thing as a ‘right time to shower.’ When you wash depends on what you need and your daily schedule. Whether you’re hopping in the shower in the morning or night, both have their pros and cons so it’s really up to you to decide what you prefer.

Why shower in the morning?

Who doesn’t think waking up in the morning is the most horrible thing in the world? That’s why most of us instantly get our fill of coffee to give us the kick that we need. But, taking a shower in the morning will also provide you with that same boost of energy. According to a study carried out by the National Center of Biology Information, the biggest advantage of hitting the shower in the morning is that it’ll wake you up properly, especially if you wash yourself in cold water for a few minutes.

Why shower in the evening?

Having a steamy shower in the evening has some important benefits as well. First of all, a clean body means clean sheets, so you won’t be sleeping in a bed full of bacteria every night. That being said, it is still recommended to wash your bed linen every seven days.

For those who have difficulty getting shut-eye, evening showers have been known to naturally induce sleep. Dr. Janet K. Kennedy, a clinical psychologist and sleep expert told The New York Times that insomniacs should shower 90 minutes before bed. She said:

The body naturally cools down as bedtime approaches, in sync with the circadian rhythm. Showering artificially raises the temperature again and allows for a faster cool down, which seems to hasten sleep.

Read more:

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Shower For Less Than Five Minutes

Should you really be showering everyday?

Sources used:

The New York Times: Should You Shower in the Morning, or at Night? Yes

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