Police Issue Warning About New Sign Your Home Is Being Targeted By Burglars

Watch out! If you ever find a toothpick stuck in your front door, stay alert. Because according to the police, this could mean that a burglary is in the works…

Police Issue Warning About New Sign Your Home Is Being Targeted By Burglars
Police Issue Warning About New Sign Your Home Is Being Targeted By Burglars

Here is some news that you shouldn’t take lightly. According to the police in Belgium who have encountered things like this many times, a toothpick stuck in your front door could be a sign that something bad is about to happen.

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As the Grimbergen police (Flanders, Belgium) explain, when you find a toothpick stuck in your front door, this could mean that a break-in is imminent. Criminals actually use this method to easily identify places to rob.

Although it is advised that you be careful and on the lookout, the Belgian police do assure that this doesn’t mean your house will definitely be broken into.

‘Be careful, this doesn’t mean that there will be a break in, but there is a chance of one happening. And think about your neighbours when they’re on holiday,’ concludes the police who know that peak holiday times are when this type of crime is more likely to happen.

Take a look at the video above to learn how to recognise this sign for yourself.

Police have discovered a new method burglars are using to break into your home Police have discovered a new method burglars are using to break into your home