In what appears to be the first case of this nature ever to be publicized, a father who has denied COVID vaccines has lost the right to see his own child until he gets jabbed.
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Seeing his father is not in the child's best interest
The Canadian judge explains his decision in giving full custody to the mother after evaluating what he considers to be the best interest of the child. The Judge, Jean-Sébastien Vaillancourt of the Superior Court of Quebec, said:
It would normally have been in the child's best interest to have contact with his father, but not in his best interest to have contact with him if he is not vaccinated and is opposed to sanitary measures in the current epidemiological context.
Further, not only would he be jeopardising the health of his own child, but he would also be putting at risk the lives of the kid's two half-siblings who he lives with at his mother's place.
An antivaxxer and conspiracy theorist
During the court hearing, when asked why he was against the vaccine, the man simply replied he had 'personal reservations' about the vaccine. The judge noted that the man never provided convincing arguments to justify why he should be exempt from getting jabbed.
To strengthen her case and to refute the claims the father made about strictly following COVID measures, despite being an antivaxxer, the mother provided proof showing the opposite to be true. Judge Vaillancourt noted that:
Excerpts from the man's Facebook page provided by the child's mother reveal that he does indeed seem to be opposed to vaccines and health measures, suggesting that he is indeed what is commonly called a 'conspiracy theorist'.
Before adding:
For this reason, the court has strong reasons to doubt that he respects health measures as he claims to do in his written statement.