Athazagoraphobia: Maybe You Suffer From It

Breaking up with someone is nothing compared to this fear with a monster name, which could eat away at you bit by bit. Cue a phobia provoked by series such as Friends, and maybe you suffer from it without realizing…

Athazagoraphobia: Maybe You Suffer From It
Athazagoraphobia: Maybe You Suffer From It

The fear of being forgotten

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Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten, or ignored, by your friends. Like with all phobias, it starts after a traumatic event, the sudden loss of a close friend, or even a huge betrayal from your best friend forever…

Being forgotten in a discussion, the act of being “abandoned” by your close friends, can lead to developing this phobia. Finally, people living with this phobia live a fairly complicated life, as they are constantly imposing a psychological torture on themselves. Of course, they are constantly expecting something from their friends, like attention, the need to be constantly reassured, or even just a little message saying something like “I’m thinking about you.” When an athazagoraphobe feels a lack of attention for a day, stress can rise to an unbearable level and can trigger them to call things into question.

Careful of the symptoms

Athazagoraphobia can also provoke physical symptoms, like an increased heartrate, clammy hands, cold sweats and nausea. Essentially, this phobia is the product of a lack of self-confidence and maturity. So, if you are experiencing it, try to understand this: even if your friends are YOUR friends, they do not belong to you! They have their own life, with or without you, and that doesn’t mean that they don’t love you.

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