According To Research, This Surprising Activity Makes You More Attractive And Live Longer

You don’t like to read? This new study might just convince you to take up the hobby.

According To Research, This Surprising Activity Makes You More Attractive And Live Longer
According To Research, This Surprising Activity Makes You More Attractive And Live Longer

There are a lot of advantages to reading that we already know about and a new study has just proven two more interesting benefits. Books don’t just make you smarter, or just improve your spelling and grammar, there are even better benefits.

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Books can make you more attractive

This new study was led by the prestigious Yale University. If you are a bookworm, it will come as good news that your favourite pastime could increase your life expectancy.

To come to this result, experts divided their subjects into three groups. One which contained people who never read, another with those that read less than 3 hours 30 minutes a week and the final group with those that read more than 3 hours 30 minutes a week. They concluded that book fans had 23% less risk of dying in the following 12 years.

The reason is simple. Reading stimulates the brain, which in turn slows down the cognitive decline, preserves your memory and lowers the risk of developing a degenerative disease.

But that’s not all, reading also makes you seem more attractive to others! So, now you know what you should do instead with your non-productive TV days!

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