1 - Whisky is not a very caloric alcohol, as long as you drink it straight. So better forget about those whisky cokes!
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2 - It improves your heart health because it has antioxidants, just like red wine and dark beer...
3 - As it has antioxidants, whisky has ellagic acid, which reduces the risk of developing carcinoma (cancer developed in tissues such as skin or mucous membranes)
4 - Whisky prevents dementia and Alzheimer's disease!
5 - Whisky facilitates blood circulation by preventing cholesterol from clogging your arteries.
6 - It is effective against stress, anxiety and it calms the nerves!
7 - It improves your memory, as antioxidants act on the area of the brain related to memory.
8 - It aids digestion. In the past, whisky was drunk as a digestive. But on the other hand, it can also be used as an appetite suppressant!
9 - It will make you live longer, for all the reasons mentioned above.
10 - Whisky contains very few carbohydrates, so diabetics can also enjoy themselves!